Tuesday 15 January 2008

Developments at Positive Change Now

I have had several requests for workshops and downloadable material, so...
coming soon... there will be a series of public workshops.

The first two will be:

'Secrets of Stress-Free People'
introducing the concepts of stress:
what stress actually is,
how it is manifested mentally and physically,
how to deal with the symptoms of stress,
how to manage stressful situations
how to identify your personal stressors

'Learn to Relax'
An interactive and practical session. You will learn:
effective breathing techniques to relax your mind
how to relax your body
how to use visualisation to rest, recuperate and feel refreshed anywhere.

They will be in February in Hemel Hempstead - details to follow.

In the pipeline:
'Secrets of Slim People'
'From Procrastination to Motivation'
'How to be Happy'

Please contact me for more information

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