My Tool Box

Here is a list of my credentials, skills and areas of special interest

I am a Certified Practitioner of:

NLP - Neuro Linguistic Programming
NLP is the art and science of creating excellence. It is a collection of techniques and processes which allow us to understand ourselves and others by helping us to understand what is going on inside ourselves and others. It looks at how we structure our thoughts and how this affects our behaviour. It uses linguistics, body language and communication systems as a mind–body interface: NLP is like an instruction manual or web browser for your mind.
Using NLP in therapy focuses on outcomes and solutions, not analysis. It can increase your personal happiness and professional success by bringing about change and creating wholeness. Very often the details of a problem including traumatic and emotionally charged events do not have to be discussed.

Hypnosis is a widely used, therapeutic way of communicating directly with your unconscious mind. It can be used to create change in an altered state of consciousness, which stimulates the relaxation response and enables the mind to become suggestible. I tend to use hypnosis to reinforce changes made in Time Line TherapyTM and NLP.
Entering a trance state is a very common and normal experience – for everyone! For example, when you are absorbed by a television show or a book and are not fully aware of everything that is going on around you. When you are in a trance in a therapy or coaching situation the difference is that you are in rapport with the therapist and not the television!
Whether you go into trance or not is always entirely down to you. You will always have the ability to come out of trance at any time, but may find that you choose not to. You may also find you are relaxed and on't feel very different because you are aware of what is going on around you, but you may find you choose to ignore those things and focus on the session.
You are safe when in trance. There is nothing that I can do, or would try to make you do, while you are in trance that is not ‘ecological’ for you; meaning all my procedures and techniques are used to benefit you: to create wholeness and positive change in you.
Everyone’s experience of being in a hypnotic trance will be different. To some it’s a bit like when you are waking up but before you are fully awake. To others it is simply a deeply relaxed state. When you come out of trance you will feel calm and refreshed.

Time Line TherapyTime Line TherapyTM is a collection of techniques which produces long lasting effective personal transformations in a matter of minutes rather than days, weeks or even months.
Your Time Line is like an index, it is how you unconsciously store your memories and how you organise events in your past and your future. An individual's Time Line with all the person's history - joys and fears, happiness and sorrow, loves and hates, limiting and empowering decisions - is a major part of that person's personality.
It has been found that, by intervening in a client's Time Line therapeutically, it has been possible to assist the client to create seemingly miraculous changes in his life - changes that extended even to the deepest level of personality.
You cannot make effective and long lasting change to behaviour at a conscious level , with will power alone. Time Line TherapyTM works at the unconscious level, allowing you to release the effects of past negative experiences and change ‘inappropriate’ programming.
Trademark notice: Time Line TherapyTM is a registered trademark of Tad James, licensed exclusively to the
Time Line Therapy Association, Inc. Association members in good standing are authorised to use this trademark in conjunction with their practice of Time Line TherapyTM techniques.

Emotional Freedom Techniques - EFT-CC 
EFT often works where nothing else will.
EFT can be described as psychological accupressure; tapping on meridian points while addressing the causes of a problem. It was originally designed to reduce the psychotherapy process from months and years down to minutes and hours. People have found that astonishing physical healings also occur using EFT. Symptoms fade for everything from migraine headaches to the most serious of conditions.
I heartily endorse EFT for emotional freedom, physical freedom and performance freedom. Based on impressive new discoveries regarding the body's subtle energies, EFT has been proven successful in thousands of clinical cases.
I have had success with a wide range of issues including unwanted habits, phobias, pain, anxiety, insomnia, sports performance, muscle spasms and cravings.
EFT can used for just about every problem you can name, it’s a great tool for helping children and it often works where nothing else will.
Complete details are given on the EFT website.

NB: In the context of NLP, Time Line TherapyTM, and Hypnosis the words "unconscious mind" are not intended to signify anything mysterious or unusual, simply the part of your mind which you are not conscious of right now. Your unconscious mind is a very important part of you. If you think about it, it is the part of you that runs your body; it makes your heart beat, causes the lymph system to circulate, your breathing to continue, your eyes to blink, your stomach to digest your food, and many other tasks that perhaps you had never even considered. Your unconscious mind is the source of all learning, all behaviour and all change.

Trainer of DeBono's CoRT Thinking Tools for Children Schools and Families

Some areas of special interest and additional training:
Relaxation and Stress management
Fears and Phobias
Chronic Pain
Weight Management
IBS - Irritable Bowel Syndrome
•IBS is not a diagnosed condition, rather it is a label given by doctors when other conditions are ruled out.
Before undergoing hypnosis or any other therapy for IBS or related symptoms it is necessary for you to discuss this and get agreement from your GP.
EMDR - Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprosessing

Inspiring Books
Human Givens, Tyrell
59 Seconds, Richard Wiseman
Authentic Happiness, Martin Seligman
Hypnosis, Tad James
Seeing Spells Believing - Olive Hicknott