Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Feed the birds

As suggested by St Alban's Diocese: 'Live the challenge'

Feed the birds, treasure God's creation.
As you feed the birds watch them and take time to wonder at the beauty of what is around us. The more we wonder and appreciate the wonder of what is around us, the more we will take care of it - and enrich our own lives.

Friday, 24 February 2012


When someone does well, or has some good news, congratulate them!
Don't take it as read that you are happy for them or that you are proud.

  • Two of my children took part in Rock Challenge (http://www.rockchallenge.co.uk/) I encouraged them because it is great organisation and convinced them they would only have a drama role and wouldn't have to dance. However it transpired that they did have to dance - and both stuck with it and did really well. I didn't think I'd ever see my son dance - and dance well. What a lovely moment and what a great revelation to all of us! I'm so proud of both of them for stretching themselves and being open to trying new things.

  • My friend is getting married - hurrah! and has invited me - Hurrah! Congratulations were sent!
  • And a new friend, a fellow student, has just got an 'outstanding distinction' for her assignment. It puts my 'very good' in the shade somewhat(!) but I am genuinely really, really happy for her. Congratulations were sent!

Thursday, 23 February 2012

Lenten Mitzvahs

Does this concept work? Or is it #that-awkward-moment-when-two-religions-meet?

Many people see Lent as purely a time of giving things up. Jesus went to the desert for 40 days for a period of reflection, contemplation and meditation prior to taking up his ministry. During this time he was also tempted by the devil.
For Christians giving things up in Lent is part of a bigger goal of preparation for Easter and is an opportunity to overcome faults, exercise self discipline and spend more time doing religious acts.
A real season for Christians to think 'WWJD'. I shall bear this in mind as I try and cope with my Lenten Facebook fast.

How are my daily mitzvahs going?

I visited my old workplace today as part of my course and was lucky enough to observe 5 lessons as well as see school life from the perspective of a year 7 - I've been able to 'magpie' a couple of lesson ideas - and thanked the teachers for allowing me to observe them.

I also gave a little 'I miss you present' to a member of the support staff.

At the end of the day some of the girls found a frog outside the PE department and I organised some year 13 boys to move it to a safer place - I did have to reassure them that it wouldn't bite them first!
So you say that was two kindnesses in one. The frog was protected and these hulking young men have found there is no reason to be afraid of a frog!

Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Share opportunities

I am a student teacher, today I went to a school's open morning as part of the application process. I told another student on my course about the vacancy and gave her a lift to the open morning as she doesn't drive.
Some people may question my sanity, but I firmly believe that the school know who they are looking for and it's up to them to choose between us - and the other candidates, not me.
We both loved the school, so two application forms are about to be written. I'll draw the line at helping her with her form though!

Monday, 20 February 2012

Kindness begets Kindness

I am encouraging my Sunday School group to do a random act of kindness every day in Lent.
This is my kindness to them - they will feel for themselves the kindness they deliver to others.

When in London...

On Saturday I went to a workshop in London - loads of potential for mitzvahs and random acts of kindness here!
Here are some examples -
Giving directions, in this case, it was to McDonalds when I was in Trafalgar Square, no accounting for taste!
Taking photos for tourists. If you see a couple taking photos offer to take a photo with both in it.
Offering a seat on the train or bus.
Buying an extra item of food for a homeless person (depending on your budget this could be a packet of crisps, a chocolate bar, a sandwich or a whole meal)

In a workshop or seminar freely share your ideas and encourage others.
Give honest feedback to the presenters, and thank them.

Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Random acts of kindness week

I've been encouraging people on facebook to join in. So far...Monday: give a smile, get a smile. Tuesday: tell someone you care about why they are important to you. Wednesday: forgive someone.
And I've been following my advice :-)
I've also spent time with, or talking on the phone to, friends who needed a friend / sounding board.

Sunday, 12 February 2012

Thinking of others

It's like being a brownie again, doing a good turn every day.

I took my son to the airport, and eben woke him up when he slept through his alarm - the deal was I would take him but he was responsible for dragging me out of bed at 5am.

My dad had a heart procedure yesterday following surgery in the summer. My friend's mum has had similar surgery and I msg her with words of encouragement (- but not enough.)

Saturday, 11 February 2012

A week of mini mitzvahs

Monday, I took in a parcel for a neighbour.
Tuesday, I helped a supply teacher with her class
Wednesday, I told my neighbour about the parcel(!), and gave away another money off voucher.
Thursday, I wrote to a head teacher in praise of a group of his pupils and two teachers, I saw at an event outside of school.
Friday, I made brownies and flapjacks to share at a training day - and ran to the shops for supplies.
Today I will walk through the sub zero temperatures to collect a parcel for my daughter from the PO - I'll take my camera in the hope it will be a pretty walk.

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

A mitzvah catch up!

I've been really busy but here are some little things I've been doing along the way:
I've been offering lifts, sharing job alerts with potential 'competition', offering a shoulder to cry on, saying thank you with chocolates, giving a free haircut (not sure anyone would pay me, did save the cost of one at a salon), emptied the dishwasher - AGAIN! and I got my friend's book in the school library.
... that's it for now!