Tuesday, 3 January 2012

A mitzvah for myself!

I took about 20 photos, here a few favourites.
Yesterday I was kind to myself - does that count?

I was feeling overloaded and when the sun came out I desperately wanted to go out in it even though I had a mountain of work to do and a fast approaching deadline.
If it had been anyone else I knew my advice would be that an hour away from the computer and desk would result in a clear head and greater productivity later.
I went of a lovely walk, took some photographs and felt sated.
So my mitzvah to myself blew away cobwebs, let me appreciate the beauty around me. My mitvah to you is follow my lead and take some time doing something good for your souls - get beck in touch with the version of yourself you identify with.
* pay it forward!  *

As I walked home through the church yard I noticed something I knew I should talk to someone about.
It was a hard decision but hopefully the right one.

(update, few days later: still don't know if it was the right thing - but done with best intentions.)

Today, on an entirely different level, I tip-toed around the house as I left for school trying not to disturb my own children who don't go back until tomorrow. We all like a lie-in!
And despite them being 11 and 14 (and therefore quite capable in the kitchen) I am going to cook tea without any hint of martyrdom!

My teacher mentor was run off her feet so I collected the class for her after lunch. No skin off my nose but it gave her another five minutes elbow room.

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