Friday, 18 May 2007


Things I'm gratful for today

the sun shining
the sun shining on my son's first day of a trip to Wales
the truancy phone call from my son's school being a mistake
my husband says he'll be home in time for me to collect my christian aid envelopes tonight
that I have sky multi-room and if I want to watch television tonight it won't have to be football!
my children all hugged me tenderly today without prompting
a child smiled at me in the school playground
the ladies in the fabric shop were helpful
a neighbour made a point of coming over to say hello when I was shopping
a friendly exchange in the art shop
I've had positive posts on an NLP on-line forumthe printer worked OK (it often doesn't)
traffic was good
I remembered which pump I used when I got my diesel (so I didn't look like a fool! - I often do that!)

see comments for more gratitude!

Wednesday, 16 May 2007

The value of Happiness

Just looking outside of yourself for reasons to be happy will make you happier.

So simple and so true.
There is a motto worth remembering: 'your persistent thoughts become your reality'

Make a 'gratitude diary' (advice in Martin Seligman's 'Authentic Happiness')
every day write at least three things - big or small that you are grateful for (the sun coming up every day to being able to find your keys)
Within two weeks you will be happier!

There is another way people look for happiness in two weeks - it usually involves spending several hundred pounds, leaving your home, putting yourself through security checks, hanging around in souless places, anxiety over lost tickets, traffic jams and the size of your inbox on your get the idea. Holidays are great but you work hard to organise them and before you know it it's just a memory and some photos.
Holidays are given great value and prestige in part because they have financial value.

Happiness in the present can become happiness in every present moment...and you don't need to pay out the cost of a holiday.

Be happy in the moment - this moment - right now!

Saturday, 12 May 2007


EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) was originally designed to reduce the psychotherapy process from months and years down to minutes and hours. From there it was discovered that astonishing physical healings also occurred. Symptoms faded for everything from Migraine Headaches to Cancer. Complete details are given on the EFT website (see my links). It often works where nothing else will.
I have had success with cravings, phobias, pain, muscle twitching, nervousness and anxiety, insomnia and fear.
The technique is simple (it is that 'weird tapping thing' you may have seen on TV), but must be applied with careful thought to the root cause, being specific and continuing to persist until all the trees in the metaphorical forest have been felled!

About me

Welcome to my blog!

In my blog you can follow my path in my world of NLP, Time Line Therapy (TM) Hypnosis and EFT.

You can also see my creative endeavours, I draw, paint and take photos.
I also intend to show how I follow my own advice and you will see examples of 'homework' I have done that I set my clients.

My company is called Positive Change Now, I set it up to help people make positive changes to their lives and work.

Everyone changes all the time, often people want to change and don't know how, that's where I come in.

My therapy and coaching work is light hearted, fun, creative and positive - positive emotions are known to counteract negative emotions - and always highly focused on specific outcomes and goals.

Serious results!

When someone makes a change they get a buzz - and that what drives me, because I share that buzz everytime!

my website is
email me at
find out more about EFT at